Saturday, April 18, 2009

god dag jeg elske å pilage/ i love to pilage

i went ahend and chose the same option that mickey did in order to keep up. I got day 265 which is

today do something that could save you alot of future hassle

my options were to;
-leave a copy of your house key with a friend in case you lose them in the woods
-buy candles and matches in case there's a sudden power cut while you're in the bath
-spoil your kids so they don't put you in a home when you're old and decrepit
- learn norwegian in case Norway turns into an evil superpower and invade

so naturally i chose to learn some norwegian. i chose it incase i tend to join them, becuase if i had to choose to be anything it would be a samurai and if i cant be that then i might aswell be a bad ass viking. 
 common norwegian phrases

- denne er på min alder landsby nå og jeg vil gjerne brannsår den å terrenget , alle problemer /this is my village now and i want to burn it to the ground, any problems!
- alle din kvinne er høre til meg/all your woman are belong to me.
mead! flere mead!/mead more mead!
stor odin's grådig /great odin's raven

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